When you make a profit, you want to hold on to as much of it as you can. You earned it, it’s yours, and you want it to stay yours! But that’s not how it goes. A certain amount of every dollar you make in your life goes towards taxes. It’s unavoidable. So, it’s a good idea to consider ways to make the most of your profits. You want to not only make as much as you can, but also keep as much as you can.
You may be asking yourself, what kind of investment could possibly change the reality of capital gains taxes? Aren’t all investments subject to the same rates, the same drawbacks?
Here’s the thing: they’re not. While capital gains from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are taxed at a pretty much universal rate, gains from real estate are taxed differently. If you buy a piece of property and sell it for a profit (because you bought it at a discount, or because it appreciated in value, or for some other reason), you will only be taxed on half of the money you made. This is because, in theory, the property should have lost value over the course of time. However, that’s often not the case. It’s entirely possible to resell real estate at a gain, as with any other investment. What makes real estate great is that you have to give up much less in taxes
Those tax savings mean more money in your pocket. There are so many things about real estate that make it a smart investment- the many profit centers it offers, the potential for excellent financing from banks, etc.- but one of the best parts is that you get the chance to actually keep more of your money. That, along with everything else, is great for investors. Real estate investments are an excellent way to build a prosperous future for yourself. Protect your interests by investing in property- you won’t regret it.
RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves. It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!
Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.
For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.