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Blog#8: Mutual Funds vs Real Estate

Investing in Mutual Funds vs Real Estate

When you have money you want to put to good use, you may be tempted  by any number of investment options. Two popular options that often come to mind include mutual funds and real estate. But which one truly comes out on top and why? Today, we will explore that.

What Are Mutual Funds?

Mutual funds pool money together with other investors. Supplemented with a portfolio, you receive a group of stocks, bonds, or additional securities in exchange for your money. 

The value of the portfolio’s assets divided by the amount of shares is what determines the pricing of mutual funds called the NAV, or net asset value. However, know that the investor doesn’t actually own the assets themselves—only the shares.

Also note that each mutual funds investment carries their own goal, portfolio and risks. Fees can potentially arise and cause a reduction of returns which might make mutual funds not a great option for you.

What About Real Estate?

On the other hand, real estate is another way to invest your money. Real estate investing is the process of buying, owning, leasing, or selling properties (land or buildings) for profit. 

Real estate usually falls into four distinct categories:

  • Residential: homes
  • Commercial: businesses
  • Industrial: warehouses, factories
  • Land: farming, ranches

Investing in real estate can take on many different forms. Maybe you choose to invest in properties directly and rent out units. Maybe you are just looking to diversify your portfolio and would prefer to take a more indirect approach to real estate.

No matter your needs or preferences, real estate can accommodate. 

Real Estate: The Better Investment Option?

Investing can be a risky business. Obviously, you want to be ensured when putting your money out there. 

Making up 60% of the world’s wealth and assets, real estate investing has previously proven itself to be a sound way to invest your money.

There are many benefits of investing in real estate, including:

  • Leverage, or the borrowing of capital to increase the potential profit, allows you to invest when you cannot buy the property yourself. 
  • Your investment in real estate provides ways to save on taxes, too. Your profits can be listed as capital gains with lower tax rates, and overtime, lower the tax basis with depreciation of your properties.
  • Finally, you’ll have more control over your real estate investments than you would with mutual funds. Instead of waiting for a profit of a stock, you are the person in  charge of prices, improvements of the property, and other forms of revenue at all times. 

Bottom line: real estate comes out on top as an investment option that is always relevant, accessible, and meaningful. While you cannot always predict what a market will look like, you can rest easy knowing that your assets are physical with evident value, unlike mutual funds, which can fluctuate wildly.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#10: What is Private Capital?

Private capital lending is an alternative strategy for real estate investors to enter the property market, but what is private capital, who can use it, and what can they use it for?

Private Capital Definition

Private capital is an umbrella term for investment loans typically unavailable through public markets such as banks.  

Private capital is accessed mainly by people with a high net worth who will use the funds for various investment scenarios, including real estate, private equity, and debt markets. 

Institutional investors also frequently use private capital to make investments for others, such as insurance and pension funds. 

How Do You Access Private Capital?

Access to private equity is different from traditional channels like a bank loan. Private capital reduces the risk to the lender by securing the loan against an existing asset owned by the investor. Collateral can be a house, infrastructure, or a block of apartments. Lenders are concerned with the ability of an investment to create a return that will benefit them and the lender. 

Because an asset provides the collateral, the lender will usually have the option to take control of it should the borrower default on the loan. For example, if an investor purchases an investment home, the lender will be able to sell the property to recoup their funds if the investor fails to meet their obligations. 

Terms for private capital are more flexible than most publicly available loans, as both lenders and borrowers can add terms and conditions that are unique to their circumstances. Flexible options include the duration of the loan, fees, and payment schedules, to name just a few. 

Private Capital Advantages  

Private capital lenders are a lot more flexible in their terms and conditions because they work at a more personal level than the average bank or financial institution. Loans can be specifically tailored to an investor’s unique requirements. Also, a private capital lender will arrive at a decision much faster than a bank, which can be crucial for time-sensitive deals. 

For example, an investor interested in a property that is a fixer-upper may only be able to secure a loan from the bank equal to the current value of the property. However, a private capital lender will consider lending funds on top to cover the renovation because they also have an interest in the property’s income potential. 

Another advantage of private capital is that much of the red tape is removed during the approval process. Lenders know that an asset backs their funds, so they are not prone to the many regulations and restrictions that can slow a bank’s approval processes to a frustrating crawl. 





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#9: Real Estate Vs. Bonds Come Tax Time

Bonds and real estate attract both novice and seasoned investors for various reasons.  While bonds are often seen as a steady course of action that require little maintenance, the gains in real estate are much more meaningful.

One of the reasons why real estate is more profitable is because it brings with it many tax advantages.  Let’s take a closer look at how both investments stand up to the IRS. 

Bond Taxation 

Bonds are simply a transaction with the federal government.  Therefore, taxation is pretty much a forgone conclusion and is pretty rigidly structured.  The interest or profit gained above and beyond the cost of purchase is subject to federal taxes once the bond is redeemed.  State and local taxes may be added if the bond is part of an estate settlement or inheritance.   

Property on the other hand, allows for several exceptions when it comes to taxes.

Real Estate Taxation 

Depreciation is one way that property investment helps soften the blow of taxes.  That’s because it is generally assumed that wear and tear significantly decreases the value of your property every 27 years.  What is even better is that you get the tax break regardless of whether you spend money on the property or not.

Additionally, collected rent is not subject to Medicare of Social Security taxes.  Collectively called the FICA or payroll tax, these deductions take 7.65% of your salary of wages if you work for someone or 15.3% of your income if you are working for yourself.  Making your money by collecting rent is like giving yourself a take7.65%  to 15.3%  raise.

In a flourishing neighborhood, real-estate traditionally increases.  However, there is no taxation on appreciation.  If your home appreciated $100,000 over a fifteen-year period, then that $100,00 would be tax free.

When you sell a house, you are subject to what is called a capital gains tax.  However, this tax works on a sliding scale of 0% to 20% according to your tax bracket. Having a long-term  property investment strategy can allow you to sell when you are in a lower bracket and thereby avoid paying capital gains.  

Bottom Line: Real Estate Entrepreneurs Come Out On Top

These are just a few of the many ways in which property investment can help keep money in your pocket when it comes to tax time.  Look into real estate and property development options, and you are sure to discover many more.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Vlog #5: Leverage



RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Vlog #4: Instant Equity



RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#7: Gold Is Not a Solid Investment

Gold Vs. Real Estate: Gold Is Not a Solid Investment

Gold has been around for centuries. From ancient royalty to present-day investing gurus, plenty of people choose gold as an investment. That many people can’t be wrong, can they?

Well, as it turns out, gold may not be such a golden choice after all. On the surface, it may seem harmless, lucrative even. However, when you look closely, you might start to notice that there are a lot of reasons that gold isn’t quite the excellent investment people have believed it to be for so long. 

Here is why:

A Market Steeped in Instability?

Let’s cut right to the chase. The gold market is simply not stable. That might seem strange, because most people associate gold with prestige and wealth. You figure that it is surely in high demand. Why would its price fluctuate wildly, if everyone wants it?

As it turns out, gold prices move with the economy, like any investment does.That said, gold also crashes harder than some other investments because it doesn’t really serve any purpose, at least not in the way it used to when currency was backed by it.

People like gold, but generally speaking, they don’t need it. It’s a market that people invest in when they’re afraid of paper currencies going under, but its value doesn’t come from it being useful or necessary for society. 

Why Real Estate Glimmers

With that in mind, maybe gold isn’t the right investment. Its instability makes it unreliable—you can’t count on gold to weather through a tough economy with you. So, what’s another investment to consider, if you can’t count on this classic?

Let’s take a look at another thing that people have trusted as an investment for centuries: land, property, and real estate. People have been profiting from owning property for as long as there have been people. Since folks actually need places to live and work, it’s a market that’s never going to go away as long as there are humans on the planet. 

Now, the real estate market does have ups and downs of its own, just like gold or any other investment. Overall, however, it’s a much more stable option. Why? Because the demand for safe housing and attractive corporate property remains constant for the most part.

Putting your money behind something necessary is a good safeguard against turbulence in the economy. You can’t always count on your coins, but real estate? Now that’s a smart investment.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Vlog #3: Tangible Assets



RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#6: Where the Wealthy Invest

When you invest, you want to do it right. But making the right investments can be a tricky process. Should you buy gold, mutual funds, or stocks? The options are many, and it can be overwhelming.

The thing is it doesn’t have to be. If you want to make the wisest investment, it can help to look at what successful people are doing. Where are they putting their money? Real estate.

Real estate is one of the best investments a person can make. 60% of the wealthiest investors in the world have put their cash behind land and properties, and that success speaks for itself. If you know what you’re doing, you really can’t go wrong with real estate because property has an inherent value. It doesn’t go anywhere, and it’s something everybody needs.

Everyone has to have a roof over their head. So real estate investing is a foundation for a stable and prosperous future. Those in the know know that a good investment is one that appreciates in value and is in high demand. And the demand for real estate never goes away. It’s a limited resource- the planet isn’t getting any bigger, is it? Getting your hands on a piece of that pie is a great way to get your fiscal feet under you and start seeing the returns you want.

It’s no surprise wealthy people know how to create wealth. They’ve done the work, they’ve done the investing, and now they’re reaping the rewards. That could be your reality, too, if you follow the right steps. You’ve got to do what the successful people have been doing in order to see that same success. What so many people have found prosperity in is real estate. It’s only a matter of starting.

If your dream is to get a great return on your investment, with the security that comes with knowing that your money is backed by a real, tangible, and valuable asset, try investing in real estate. The choices you make today are the building blocks for your future. Making the right decisions now is how you ensure a prosperous tomorrow for you and your family. You- yes, you!- could begin investing smart and seeing the results you deserve.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#5: When Being “Controlling” Is Good

There’s so much in life that’s outside of our control. And when you try to seize control, you might get accused of being a “control freak.” In general, we tend to think that the ability to go with the flow is a huge asset to managing our constantly changing and evolving lives.

But, there are times when being controlling is good. Investments are something we think of as a classic risk; you might win big or you might lose a lot and that high risk factor is what makes many stay away from investments that could be making them tons of money. But, what if you could be in control of your investments?

It’s true that some investment options like stocks or bonds are tricky, risky, and hard to be in control of. You’re at the mercy of the people who run those companies you’re investing in. You can’t control whether or not they make some mistake that costs them the company and costs you your investment. With traditional investments, you’re not in control of the business management, you only get to decide when to buy and sell. That uncertainty can be stressful.

The good news is, there’s an investment class that eliminates that uncertainty: real estate. Real estate provides ultimate control by putting the power in your hands to make the big decisions about your investment.

You can choose what kind of real estate you buy based on your specific needs, goals, and financial capabilities. There are plenty of options to choose from, from single family homes to commercial properties to raw, undeveloped land.

You get to choose where you buy real estate, which gives you the flexibility to evaluate different markets and choose the best one for you.

You get to decide when you want to buy real estate, putting full control of the price of your investment into your own hands. If the market price is too high, you can wait for it to lower so that you get the most of your investment.

Lastly, how you buy real estate is extremely negotiable. You have the freedom to negotiate the terms and conditions of the property prior to purchase, which can make you feel secure in your investment.

As an investment class, real estate allows for maximum flexibility, while also giving you complete control of its value. If you find property at a discount, you can purchase it, put work into it, and profit immensely from your investment all without the help of a fund manager. With real estate, the value of your investment is in your hands.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Vlog #2: Stable Investment





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Vlog #1: How I got started.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#4: Paying Less Tax

When you make a profit, you want to hold on to as much of it as you can. You earned it, it’s yours, and you want it to stay yours! But that’s not how it goes. A certain amount of every dollar you make in your life goes towards taxes. It’s unavoidable. So, it’s a good idea to consider ways to make the most of your profits. You want to not only make as much as you can, but also keep as much as you can. 

You may be asking yourself, what kind of investment could possibly change the reality of capital gains taxes? Aren’t all investments subject to the same rates, the same drawbacks? 

Here’s the thing: they’re not. While capital gains from stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are taxed at a pretty much universal rate, gains from real estate are taxed differently. If you buy a piece of property and sell it for a profit (because you bought it at a discount, or because it appreciated in value, or for some other reason), you will only be taxed on half of the money you made. This is because, in theory, the property should have lost value over the course of time. However, that’s often not the case. It’s entirely possible to resell real estate at a gain, as with any other investment. What makes real estate great is that you have to give up much less in taxes

Those tax savings mean more money in your pocket. There are so many things about real estate that make it a smart investment- the many profit centers it offers, the potential for excellent financing from banks, etc.- but one of the best parts is that you get the chance to actually keep more of your money. That, along with everything else, is great for investors. Real estate investments are an excellent way to build a prosperous future for yourself. Protect your interests by investing in property- you won’t regret it.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#3: Buying for Bargains

In most markets, prices are largely inflexible. Whatever the market value of gold is at a given moment, you’re stuck with it. Same with stocks- if Microsoft’s stocks are trading at 200 dollars, that’s what you’re paying. You can’t really haggle. Real estate, however, is a different story.

It’s not uncommon for properties to be sold for under their market value. This leads to situations of instant equity.

Instant equity is a phenomenon that occurs when you purchase something at a discount. When you purchase a property for less than its market value, you automatically increase your net worth. This is because, if you were to sell or refinance the property later, it would be worth more than you paid for it, and you would gain that difference.

Because of this, properties that provide you with instant equity are a good investment. The equity you have from these properties can provide a financial buffer in case of problems with them. 

So, it seems obvious that buying at a discount is a smart decision. However, you might still be wondering why people choose to sell their properties for less than market value. As it happens there are a multitude of reasons someone might choose to undercharge for what they own. 

They might be experiencing financial difficulties that require that they liquidate their assets sooner rather than later. In that instance, they would be more interested in moving the property quickly and efficiently, rather than for top dollar. Someone might be going through a divorce and needing to sell their house in order to settle the case. It can even be as simple as someone inheriting a property they don’t want, and trying to sell quickly simply to wash their hands of it.

Regardless of the reason, people selling their properties on the cheap is a great opportunity for you as an investor. If you’re able to buy at a discount you’re already better off than you were before. Real estate is a rare example of a market where you can barter, and this can be used to your advantage. For this reason and more, real estate is a great choice for investing.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Blog#2: Mutual Funds: Eggs in Too Many Baskets?

Investing in a mutual fund might seem logical. It’s an opportunity to let a seasoned investor decide where your money goes, and typically, the investments made by a mutual fund are fairly diverse. That is to say, they fall into a variety of markets, and as such you can feel protected. If one market doesn’t pan out, perhaps one of the other ones will.

A lot of experts say that diversification in your investment portfolio is a good thing, and to a certain extent, they’re right. Investing in, say, only one stock, is a bit of a dangerous move, because what if that stock crashes? But diversification can also be very dangerous.

If you invest in a mutual fund that invests in a hundred different companies, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve reached optimal diversification. A lot of mutual funds invest specifically in a single industry, which means that you still face many of the same problems you would if you only invested in a single company. And what about mutual funds that invest in multiple industries?

At that point, you run into a problem of overdiversification, which is sometimes, adorably, called “diworsification”. 

If your money is in a million different companies, keeping track of how all those companies are doing is a nightmare. Another problem is that investing in a lot of companies means having to own a lot of stocks in each of them, meaning that you have to put in quite a bit of cash up front. And perhaps one of the biggest issues with overdiversification is the fact that having your cash scattered in all directions means that even if one stock is performing well, you still might not make money after you account for how another market is doing.

Now let’s think about another investment: real estate. It might seem on the surface that real estate is an investment inherently lacking diversity, but the truth is, there are all kinds of real estate. You can invest in single family homes, multi-family dwellings, or office properties. You can invest in different parts of your city, or even in other cities. There are plenty of ways to have diverse real estate investments, and yet it would be really difficult to run into a problem of overdiversification, because it’s all real estate.

Real estate is a reliable, steady investment. Everyone needs it, and so it’s not going anywhere. This is just one of the many reasons real estate could be the right investment choice for you.





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.



Blog#1: Appreciate that Appreciation!

All markets fluctuate based on external factors such as supply and demand. Your gold is worth one sum now, but in a few months might be worth much less or much more. It’s a little tricky to anticipate and keep track of where that value is going. 

The real estate market comes in cycles, too. A key factor in real estate as an investment, however, is that real estate tends towards gaining value, or appreciating, over time. The supply of property doesn’t really change too much, but the demand keeps growing because people always need a roof over their heads. 

The thing about this kind of market is that it ebbs and flows like tides. Sometimes, the appreciation that takes place is strong and fast, and other times, it’s gentler and slower. You have to have the ability to be patient. 

An option that’s going to be a good, safe idea in the long run would involve buying property and waiting to resell or refinance it. The value will come, it just takes time. You might be able to sell your property at 200% of the price you bought it for, but that kind of thing is typically going to take some years to get in motion. 

That’s alright! As long as you have that property, you can be making money through the numerous other profit centers of real estate, like cash flow. The trick with appreciation is that you need to be patient, and good things will come to you.

Another awesome factor in this is that, when you buy a property, you generally finance it through a bank, which can cover 75-90% of the cost of the real estate. So, when you buy a property worth 400,000, you might only put down 100,000 for the down payment (and closing costs, etc.) with the bank covering the rest. Let’s say that that property then appreciates by 10%. It gains 40,000 in value- that’s a 10% return on the total previous value of the property.

But it’s a 40% return on the 100,000 you put in. Nifty, yeah? Leverage and appreciation work together in wonderful ways.

But you’ll need to get started if you want to see the full effects. Since these things have such a timeframe, starting as soon as possible is key to watching your net worth grow and grow. 

Real estate is a fantastic investment for the short and the long term. You can make money every step of the way. You just need to get started!





RichardBrisson.ca is a real estate investment company.We have been actively involved in Barrie, Ontario and surrounding area with our real estate investing. Our mission is to provide quality housing for quality tenants, while at the same time providing an above average return on investment (R.O.I) for our investor partners and ourselves.  It is truly a win-win-win way of investing!

Richard offers his investor partners hands-free investment opportunities. If you are interested to learn how to earn an above-average return on your investment, backed by a solid asset, and without the hassle of being a landlord, please contact Richard.

For more information about Richard and his investment program, you may call (705) 321-2148 or email him at invest@richardbrisson.ca or visit https://richardbrisson.ca/.


Richard Brisson

Richard Brisson

Professional Real Estate Investor


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